Nicola Saxton

Nicola began dancing at a young age at WTA where she danced many of the principle roles in their shows until she began her professional dance training at Lynton Academy in Harrogate gaining a BTEC in Performing Arts in 2012. She then continued her training at Dance For All in Edinburgh where she gained an HND in Professional Dance Performance in 2016. While there she began working towards her teaching qualifications. She moved back home to Ilkley where she continued attending classes whilst auditioning for performance jobs. In 2017 she moved to Paris to work at Disneyland where she performed in the parades. In 2019 she decided it was time to finish her teaching qualifications and moved back to Ilkley. She has been working at WTA since she came back while working towards this.

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Trainer and Quality First Teaching Strategist
Professional Dance Teacher
Professional Dance Teacher